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Big Miss: Far Too Many Organizations Are Silent About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Silence inside organizations hurts employee confidence and engagement and it has major implications for leaders when future issues arise.

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Burnout is at an all-time high - driven by a significant change in workplace dynamics and an unprecedented stream of global issues. As a result, organizations have become more aware of the need to support and prioritize their employees’ mental and physical health and work responsibilities.

In fact, what employees want and need has never been clearer: for leaders to demonstrate empathy and humanity and lead with their heart in their head.

THE PROBLEM: Companies think they’re doing this well, yet employees disagree. They’re not feeling heard, seen, or understood.

Too many organizations are still prioritizing productivity and profit over employee well-being, leading to high stress levels, burnout, and disengagement among employees.

We recently conducted comprehensive research around the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which focused on three key components:

  • Employees’ experiences and perceptions of internal communications on the issue
  • 118 internal and senior communication professionals’ perspectives on what makes internal communications effective when issues arise
  • Effectiveness of 68 internal statements issued by companies on the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This report delves into what we learned and offers insights into the strengths and opportunities around internal communication when issues arise, and ways to provide employees more of what they need when they need it most, now and in the future.

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To see the full study, visit this page.